Environmental & Social Health
‘A good and organized environment is the best teacher.’
Environmental protection is a part and parcel of the school’s emphasis on character and civic education. Xaverians are groomed up as eco-friendly citizens. We take up multiple approaches to involve young minds in ecological projects. They are taught the value of a clean school, a clean home, a clean city, a clean India and the cleaner world. The Eco club of the school encourages the students to discover the ways to conserve natural resources.
Aesthetic Health
‘Cultivation of various forms of Art is indeed the Half-mark of good education.’
Students are encouraged to pursue areas of personal creative interest and the school provides a platform for showcasing these talents through the individual and group performances. Music is taught as a continuous offering at the temple of excellence. Every child is allowed to experience the world in his/her way to develop a personal Language of shapes and colour.
Physical Health
‘Good sportsman ship is not inherited but is something which everyone can learn and can practice everyday.’
• Physical education is a very important part of the curriculum. Children learn team spirit– to put the group before the self. They develop the neuromuscular coordination as well as health body and mind.
• Std. III onwards children begin to play organized sports like football, cricket, Volleyball, kabaddi, basketball, badminton, lawn tennis, and kho-kho.
• Splash day is an annual feature for pre-primary school.
• Indoor games like table tennis, chess and carom are regular features.
• Karate is compulsory for all boys and girls (Std. III onwards).
• Students participate in Yoga to build up the coordination and flexibility.
• The school band does an yeomen service at all functions.